Monday, November 8, 2010

A new blog!

I've started a new blog: Lehigh Valley Family Fun

I joined on as an Examiner for but after they switched publishing tools I've had such a horrible time trying to log in and write for them. I emailed a few times over the last few days but haven't gotten any results so I'm taking my writing on the a new own blog.

Come check out what the Lehigh Valley has to offer!! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Help feed the puppies!

The Artful Mommy wants to help Peaceable Kingdom Animal Shelter. Through the end of the month buy a necklace and The Artful Mommy will donate $5 to this local no kill shelter to help them out - someone stole 50 bags of dog food from their shed and that food would have fed dozens of their pooches.  Currently the volunteers are pitching in for food but they're going to need help.

I've got a soft spot for pound pups since that's where we got our second pooch from and  he is the sweetest and  most loyal  pup you've ever seen. 


Check out the latest pendants at The Artful Mommy on  Artfire or send a message if you see one on this page that you're interested in! (we're still working on getting better photography so  please bear with us!) More  pendants,  with hopefully better  photography,  are coming!!

Here's the full  story: Whitehall Township: animal shelter dog food theft

Thank you!