Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Getting the word out. . .

So in an attempt to spread the word a little more about The Artful Mommy I've decided to join Art Fire. I only have one item listed so far but have a few new soaps that will be listed shortly.

I also decided to get into Twitter. I wasn't sure I wanted to get on there but it's so popular I think I HAVE to. Within seconds of joining I had 2 followers...not too shabby.

So what else is new? The latest soaps are skulls scented with blueberry (to be listed today). I also have 2oz bars scented with lilac (they're a cool purple/maroon swirl color). AND 2.5oz bars scented with blueberry that are blue/white swirl with a gray base. I felt creative - go figure.

The question is. . .where to list! I'm in the process of boxing up items that I'll be listing on Etsy, others on ArtFire, sending to New Hope and taking to a new shop that may be interested in my items. See, I HAVE to make lots and lots of soap so I have enough to go around! I also have a box of samples that's filling fast so be on the lookout for give-aways.

So where do YOU shop? Are you an Etsyian? Do you like Art Fire or do you prefer an actual shop?


RhiannonSTR said...

I think twitter really increased the view to my shop, but I'm not crazy about it. Just keep pluggin' tell everyone you know about your shop and make sure you promote off the computer too. Do nice things for other people and they'll remember you.

melissa said...

Thats been one of my questions too. I shop on etsy maily. I do the twitter thing, just not sure if it really does any good.

Keep it up ArtfulMommy, you'll rock it!
